Butch Jones is fired after a loss to Southern Mississippi
I thought there was a good chance that Butch Jones would be fired if the Vols lost to South Carolina.
Obviously he wasn’t.
I was certain that Jones would be fired after a loss to Kentucky.
But somehow he managed to survive.
At this point, and I hesitate to say this, I’m almost 100 percent positive that Jones will be fired if Tennessee loses to Southern Mississippi on homecoming night.
Look, it’s already going to be a hostile environment for Jones on Saturday night. Fans have talked about boycotting the game, while the fans who do show up will certainly shower a chorus of boos upon Jones.
If Tennessee loses that game, I think the outside noise will be too loud for John Currie to keep him around. If he thought things were bad this past week, he’ll be in for quite a surprise when he sees how bad it gets if Jones survives a loss to Southern Mississippi.